Christian nationalists go After A 5 Year Old Girl

Christian nationalists over in Dequincy, Louisiana, have turned their wrath against a five year-old girl named Zoey.

Zoey had been through a hard time. After her father was killed in an industrial accident, Zoey was alone. Her mother was already dead. So, her aunt, Jennifer Parker, stepped in and adopted her.

Then, just two days before Zoey’s first day of kindergarten, she was kicked out of school.

What did Zoey do? The child was accused of no misconduct. The only problem was that her new mother, her aunt Jessica Parker, is a lesbian.

The Bible Baptist Academy explained that as a Christian private school, it claims the power to control the sex lives of the parents of its students. Because Jessica Parker’s sex life wasn’t what the Bible Baptist Academy thought it should be, Zoey would be kicked out of school.

To add insult to injury, the Bible Baptist Academy sent out a statement to the public saying that it was controlling parents’ sex lives and kicking Zoey out of kindergarten as an act of “love” and “compassion”.

Keep this in mind: Jessica Parker is a Christian. She isn’t a Zoroastrian, or a Buddhist, or an atheist. She, and her adopted daughter, who also has been raised to be a Christian, were discriminated against simply because they did not belong to the precise kind of Christianity that the Bible Baptist Academy demands. It isn’t just non-Christians who suffer under the religious discrimination of Christian nationalism. Christian nationalists can’t stop themselves from turning their animosity against other Christians.


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