Prophet of Christian Nationalism Threatens Assassination of President Biden

Despite all his claims that he had a god on his side, Doug Mastriano, the Republican Christian Nationalist candidate for Government of Pennsylvania lost the election by double digits. Don’t think that this story is over, though. Mastriano’s campaign affiliate Julie Green spoke just before the election promoting the idea that the election would be followed by “civil unrest”.

Julie Green claims that this idea of mass violence isn’t her own. Green is a self-proclaimed Christian prophet. She says that the message of violence she just delivered is actually the direct word of the Christian god, and she’s just a messenger sent from heaven on high conveying it.

Of course, those of us who live in reality understand what’s actually going on. We know that these supposed prophecies are all just expressions of Julie Green’s own disturbed thoughts. We can see that Green has become confused, which is why she believes that she believes her own thoughts are the voice of the god of Christianity. What’s strange is that she has so many followers who are ready to believe that there’s something holy about her implausible mutterings of Christian Nationalism.

This week, Julie Green delivered what she said is divine confirmation that the United States is the property of Christianity, but was stolen from them by a mysterious international conspiracy. She said:

“Many are wondering: What about the last election, lord? The election was stolen. How can we go forward and have another one? My children, trust me. The election of 2020 is coming down. It will be wiped out, exposed, and annihilated. Everything that has happened to you since will cease to exist. So, stand strong, stand praying, and believe the victory is yours. This nation is mine, and I have given it to you as a gift. Take your gift, and never let this happen again. Do not let them take me out of your government. Then watch out what I will do for this nation!”

Julie Green doesn’t want the United States of America to remain a democracy. She hates the idea that the USA belongs to the people, and should be managed by them. Instead, she wants Americans to believe that their country is the property of a god, and that this god loves Republicans and has given the USA to the Republican Party. She wants the GOP to control the United States in the name of Christianity in perpetuity, and views elections as a betrayal of the divine order of Christian Nationalism.

Then, Green warns, “watch out”. She speaks of annihilation, of democratic government being “wiped out.” The nature of what we can expect Christian Nationalists to do if they regain power became clear when Julie Green cited the Gospel of Luke, which instructs Christians to trample on their enemies as if they were scorpions or snakes underfoot.

“No matter who tries to steal, the thief has been caught and he has to give it back sevenfold. I proclaim and decree, father god, I plead the blood of Jesus over my state. I plead the blood of Jesus over my nation, and stealing will not prosper against me because you send your word that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Stealing of our elections is something that they were trying to do to prosper against us, and I thank you father god, not only will they not steal this election, I thank you father god you are tearing down the last one. I thank you father god that everything they have done since the last one will cease to exist. One of the things that he says in Luke 10:19, now listen, this is the amplified version of the scripture, Luke 10:19: Behold, I have given you power and authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all, over all, not some, not a little bit, but over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you. The stealing of an election would harm you. Correct? Yes, and god says nothing shall in any way harm you. Now, more of us know the authority that we have.”

The prophet Julie Green claims that Christian Nationalists have been granted a magical power of invulnerability to any attack, including the stealing of an election. There’s an obvious inconsistency in this belief. Julie Green, like other Christian Nationalists, claims that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. At the same time, as Julie Green just said, Christian Nationalists believe that the all-powerful Christian god is on their side, and so, no one will have the power to defy Christian Nationalism by stealing an election. Christian Nationalists claim both that an election has been stolen away from them and that the stealing of elections is theologically impossible.

It doesn’t make sense, but then, Christian Nationalism doesn’t have to make sense. It makes up for its incoherence with an inflated sense of confidence and entitlement to authority.

The biblical authority that Julie Green believes in is violent and vengeful. She says that Christian Nationalists have the power and authority to trample upon anyone who stands in their way, as if the opponents of Christian Nationalism are nothing more than crawling vermin.

To make the plan for divine violence more plain to her followers Julie Green told her followers in a separate prophecy this week that they should prepare to engage in civil unrest.

“Civil unrest is about to occur, it will look like, oh, United States. Your enemies will see their defeat in all the states they so desperately tried to steal. But they lose anyway… All it takes is one shot to knock the giants down dead. Yes, the giants against you have no idea what is about to take place against them, and they won't until it's too late, saith the lord of hosts. A takedown of the Biden is about to be seen, and all who are behind him are coming down with him. These are the days for the giants to fall.”

Julie Green used a specific name for the Christian god to communicate exactly what she’s talking about. She spoke of the “lord of hosts”. The lord of hosts is the name used for the god of Christianity when he is leading an army in a physical attack. Julie Green spoke of Joe Biden as a giant, and talked about the giant opponents of Christian Nationalism being shot dead. She is saying that President Biden will soon be shot dead, and he won’t have any idea about it “until it’s too late”.

This is not a joke. Julie Green is threatening the assassination of the sitting president of the United States. She is calling for a takedown, not only of President Biden, but also of all those Americans who stand with him.

Julie Green has not issued any new prophecies since Election Day.


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