The Dark New Prophecies of Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalists are not content with the strange and savage prophecies of their bible. Hungry for more cruelty and violence, they are making up their own new prophecies to create a new stage of Christianity that centers around the belief that Donald Trump is a new messiah, an actual incarnation of the Christian god.

Christian Nationalism isn’t willing merely to accept the familiar old standards of Christian privilege, the simple presumption of Christianity as the normal way of life for “Real Americans”. Instead, they’re using the familiar tropes of Ceremonial Deism as a crowbar to wrench apart the wall of separation between church and state.

Their aim is to indoctrinate America’s children to believe that right wing Christian zealots are getting instructions directly from the Christian god, bringing new prophecies that command Christian Americans to take up arms and begin to kill non-Christian Americans.

It sounds crazy, but it’s happening.

It all begins with the Christian Nationalist motto: One Nation Under God.

When the Christian Nationalists say it, they mean it as a warning.

To many, the idea that government leaders could be worshipped as living gods seems completely foreign to American culture. It’s the sort of crazy belief that no modern, secular, scientifically-educated population could entertain.

Christian Nationalism, however, seeks the destruction of modernity in America. Christian Nationalists want to end secular democracy in America, and replace scientific education with religious indoctrination. The aim of Christian Nationalism is to drag America back to the dark days of the Salem witch trials, when government was controlled by priests and public policies were nothing more than fevered dreams cobbled together from ancient prophecies.

A new generation of Christian Nationalist prophets are busy composing the raw material for a new part of the Christian bible: A Trump Bible, or a Testament of Trump.

The Trump Prophecies of Shane Vaughn

Put aside all those ideas about Christianity being a metaphorical religion. Christian Nationalism is a literalist form of Christianity that believes that the Bible is 100% true, and not in a figurative way. Christian Nationalists believe that there really is a magical all-powerful sky spirit who loves the United States above all other nations. The prophets of this Christian Nationalist doctrine of American exceptionalism also believe that they can talk with the god of Christianity. They believe that they hear the voice of this god, and can pass on its message word for word, in American English.

Among these Christian Nationalist prophets is Shane Vaughn. Among his most recent prophecies is the following:

That is the prophetic seal that Yahweh placed upon Donald Trump and upon his true people. It is supernatural prosperity and blessing. That’s the prophetic seal. The ring of god, when he touches your life, there will be unparalleled blessings that will come into your life that you didn’t ask for, you didn’t create. You’re just anointed for that season, and the evidence of it is in the prosperity of the nation and the people. Donald Trump carries the prophetic seal of the calling of god. He is Joseph. If you are anointed by Yahweh, for a specific plan and purpose, you are a messiah. Yeshua was the messiah of mankind, but Donald Trump is the messiah of America.
— Shane Vaughn

It's important to clarify a bit of Christian language at this point. When Shane Vaughn is talking about Yeshua, he’s just using an alternative version of the name Jesus. He’s saying that Donald Trump is a messiah, a god on Earth just like most Christians believe Jesus was.

Shane Vaughn isn’t just some lone wolf coming up with his own kooky religious ideas. He’s the pastor of First Harvest Ministries and Biblical Foundations Institute, a Pentacostal church in Waveland, Mississippi. Vaughn has an entire congregation that supports his declaration of Donald Trump to be a new god ruler on Earth, and his church isn’t alone, either. Across America, the belief that Donald Trump has some kind of special connection to supernatural powers is common among Christian Nationalists.

Think about what this belief implies about what a government controlled by Christian Nationalists would be like. You may criticize government bureaucracy for moving too slowly, with too many meetings, but the positive side of this is that government officials have been charged with formulating and enacting policies on the basis of scientific evidence and public input. The system isn’t perfect. Often, it’s corrupted, but at least there is the ideal of a government that’s based in reality.

Christian Nationalism, by contrast, follows whatever outlandish ideas fit its ideological obsessions. Christian Nationalists are so determined to believe that Donald Trump is a perfect leader that they’re willing to invent prophecies that supposedly come from their god, prophecies that declared Trump to be a god king anointed by the Christian god, and thus, beyond question.

How can Christian Nationalists tell the difference between prophecies from their god and their own fevered fantasies? They can’t. They just believe what they want to believe, even if it makes no logical sense, even if there’s no evidence to justify it. A government led by such people will lead the country down paths shaped by strange religious obsessions. Prophecies reported by people who believe that they’re having conversations with gods will be given more weight than policies developed by professionals who have undertaken careful studies of the challenges we face.

We already know the emotional obsessions that excite Christian Nationalists. They have fantasies of re-creating the slavery of the United States. They want to force women to stay in the home, without opportunities for education or independent professional status. They want to replace public schools and universities with academies of Christian indoctrination, and force all Americans into mandatory worship in the church of Christian Nationalism.

With no scholars left to question the proclamations of Christian Nationalist prophets, and with the safeguards of democracy gone, America would be completely subject to the narcissistic whims of the priests in charge of its government.

Christian Nationalists have made it plain that their most fervent desire is to see the end of the world, to see America and every other country on earth consumed in a literal apocalypse that will end in the death of everybody on Earth. Christian Nationalists believe that they don’t need to worry about the destruction of all life on our planet, because their god will come and take them away to a fantasy land of perfect happiness, while everyone else writhes in pain for ever and ever.

The Mastriano Prophecies of Julie Green

The prophecies of Christian Nationalism aren’t content to simply describe the United States as a Christian nation, and laud Republican leaders as god kings on Earth. Christian Nationalist prophecies also contain instructions, commands that supposedly come from the mouth of the Christian god, which good Christians must obey.

The commands of the Christian Nationalist god are not warm and comforting. They’re bloody and cruel.

It just so happens that one of the bloodthirsty new prophets of Christian Nationalism has the ear of the man who may be the next Governor of Pennsylvania.

Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, has become infamous for hiring Christian Nationalist Andrew Torba, who runs the Nazi social media platform Gab, to work on his campaign. Mastriano’s extremist Christian Nationalist connections aren’t just limited to Torba, though.

Another Christian Nationalist associated with the Doug Mastriano campaign is Julie Green of Julie Green Ministries. Julie Green claims that she is a prophet who speaks for the Christian god. She doesn’t mean this in a metaphorical sense. Every few days, Julie Green publishes a new prophecy, which is written in the voice of the Christian god.

Doug Mastriano has repeatedly campaigned with Julie Green by his side, not only seeking her support, but giving her support in return encouraging his followers to heed her prophecies. Yes, the Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania believes that Julie Green is the mouth of the Christian god.

What does the Christian god have to say, according to Julie Green? A few days ago, Julie Green announced that she had received a new prophecy, one declaring that her god is a big fan of Christian Nationalism.

Nationalist: This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. I told you, my children. An uprising has begun, and it will destroy your enemies’ chokehold on this nation, sayeth the lord.
— Julie Green, claiming to speak for the Christian god

You just heard it straight from the lips of Julie Green: An uprising has begun to destroy the enemies of the Christian god. According to Julie Green’s prophecy, the Christian god endorses the uprising of Christian Nationalists that began last week when Ricky Walter Shiffer attempted to kill FBI agents at an FBI field office in Cincinnati. According to Green’s prophecy, the Christian god wants there to be a new civil war in the United States.

Another prophecy from Julie Green, which you are about to hear spoken by one of Green’s followers, Melissa Guzman, declares that Donald Trump is the rightful president, that Joe Biden is not actually president at all, and that the United States belongs not to the American people, but to the Christian god.

Your enemies tried everything they could think of, but he is still standing, fighting, and pursuing all of them. This country still is fighting for him and the truth. Who is this rightful president, my David in the hour? Donald J Trump and he is making a comeback, and it is bigger than you realized enemies of almighty god. You can’t fight and win against Who is in him. He is unstoppable. Yes, to you, and he is coming for all of you. Plans have been drawn up, and they are headed to Victory Lane, and a big victory it will be.

A shaking is brewing in the House of Representatives. Yes, a Great Divide. Chaos will erupt. Lies? Yes, several will be unearthed. They thought they could hide their disgusting acts against this nation and get away with it.

To Nancy, all who are with you on the side of the blue and some in the red: the curtains are being pulled back. Evidence will shake you all to your core. You can’t fix this. Video and audio evidence will not be suppressed by you. No, my hand is moving, and you can’t stop me. Justice will be served. All of you should be afraid of what is coming to you in D.C. You know something is happening, but you don’t know when or how to stop it. You will try to avoid this at all costs, but it will not work. I have spoken your destruction. Your seedtime and harvest are now. You can’t hide nor let others fall for you. You will still try, but fear will grip you. The more you head in the direction you are currently going, the more failure and defeat will be in your future. You chose the wrong side, and soon you will see that.

Hardy. This name you will hear in the news. Be looking for this, my children, and know, great is the judgment that is coming to your enemies.

Your rightful president and government are almost at the finish line. My children, know that this is my nation, the United States of America. Call it in and call them home where they belong.
— Julie Green, claiming to speak for the Christian god

In this prophecy, Julie Green is issuing a threat to Nancy Pelosi, a declaration that she will soon be destroyed, a warning that she should be afraid.  Green routinely threatens America’s leaders with violence in this way, claiming to speak in the name of the Christian god.

Chuck Schumer, your story is similar to that of Nancy, Adam, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Obama. You are all the same, evil to your core, and you all sold your souls to China and to the devil himself. You will all pay with your lives but not before your judgments, and you will lose everything you hold dear to you. You have received your indictments, and you know your days are numbered here on this Earth. None of you will enjoy your last days. My mighty army comes for you to remove you from your places of power and where you sleep. These are the days of Haman. You wanted death for My nation and My children, but instead, you will reap your Harvest though not before you see your nightmares come to pass. My son will return and will be put back in his rightful seat. You will all pay with your lives, and your plans will not succeed. I, The Great I AM, pass judgement, and it is time for you to reap all you have sown and at one time.
— Julie Green, claiming to speak for the Christian god

Last week, Julie Green issued another prophecy, telling her followers to disregard the facts, and to believe what she says instead. Julie Green told her followers to fight.

I, the lord, this day am telling my children to fight the good fight of faith. It is always a fight you will win. It doesn’t matter how things appear. It doesn’t matter what your feelings are telling you. It only matters what my word says.
— Julie Green, speaking for the Christian god

It’s a dangerous leader who can convince followers to disregard their own feelings, their own senses, their own doubts, in favor of the leader’s commands. Julie Green says that it’s the voice of the Christian god commanding her followers to commit acts of violence. She claims that hers lips are merely speaking the divine truth of the word of the Christian god.

That word, of course, is not really the word of any god. It’s the word of Julie Green.

It’s Julie Green who is calling over and over again for violence in the streets of America. It’s Julie Green who is commanding her followers to fight. It’s Julie Green who is calling for a civil war. Julie Green is joining with other Christian Nationalists to try to provoke an actual bloodbath.

Doug Mastriano, Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, is in turn endorsing Julie Green. He knows of her calls for a violent uprising against the government of the United States of America. Julie Green is inciting violence against America, and Doug Mastriano is standing by her side.

Doug Mastriano is campaigning with a deranged prophet who has called for people to kill other Americans. It’s outright treason, under a thin veil of Christian Nationalist prophecy.


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